FACIAL SURGERY - Facelift Surgery
Am I a good candidate for facelift surgery?
The face usually portrays the first visible signs of aging. Both gravity and diminished volume result in the facial features of aging. Most patients requesting evaluation for facelift feel that their facial features do not reflect their youthful spirit and energy level. They are looking for ways to refresh and rejuvenate their appearance. There are many different variations of the facelift procedure that smooth the skin of the face and neck, tighten the underlying tissues and muscle, and remove excess skin. Ultimately, the facelift will allow you to turn back the hands of time to better reflect your youthful spirit.
How will my plastic surgeon evaluate me for a facelift?
During the pre-operative consultation, your surgeon will perform a history and physical examination. During your physical examination, your facial bone structure, underlying skin structure, skin thickness, texture, and elasticity as well as the extent of facial wrinkles and folds will be assessed. This information will be used to formulate a surgical plan and the goals of the procedure will be discussed. Generally, a facelift is a very versatile procedure, and your surgeon will explain the technique that he or she feels most comfortable with and that offers the lowest risk. Your plastic surgeon will select the surgical technique that he or she feels will obtain the best outcome for you based on your discussions regarding the outcome you wish to achieve.
The results of your facelift may be subtle or dramatic, depending on your appearance prior to the surgery as well as the specific goals that you and your plastic surgeon have established. Since the healing process is gradual, you should expect to wait several weeks for an accurate picture of your “new look”. Additional minor changes or settling may occur over several months following your Facelift surgery